Typically during up trends, corrections find support when the percentage of S&P stocks above their 50-day moving average falls at or near the 20-25% range. As of yesterday, the reading is 33.0%. The symbol on Stockcharts.com is $SPXA50R.
Likewise, corrections sometimes find support when the percentage of S&P stocks over their 150-day moving average falls into the 60-65% range. Currently, that percentage is 77.6%. The symbol is $SPXA150R.
To me, these ranges are a good definition of "oversold in an up trend." Both served as support in the corrections of July 2009 and February 2010.
I am looking for one more down draft in the equity market that takes us to these oversold levels. Hopefully, that down draft also produces some bullish divergence on the Volume Oscillator and other momentum indicators. Such a happy convergence should produce an excellent buy point.